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KWA Ronin T10 (Electric blowback)

KWA Ronin T10 (Electric blowback)


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Selling my KWA Ronin T10 for £340 posted (Includes paypal fees)


Owned the rifle for a few months and it's been to about 4 gamedays. Really love it to bits as KWA always makes some really high quality RIFs, the electric blowback on this puts every single Tokyo Marui recoil shock to shame. Only selling in order to fund a new RIF purchase for my girlfriend as she's interested in doing some CQB with me and this gun is just too long/heavy for her and I'm going back down the pistol primary route.


I've swapped out the stock hop rubber & nub for a Prometheus Purple rubber & nub as the stock KWA one is a major let down when trying to hop .28g bbs. Everything else is stock internally and the gearbox has not been touched as I never had enough time or money to get around to sticking a gate titan and some goodies in it.


The only real noticeable scratches or nicks on the paint are on the underside of the top RIS rail where red dots and some LPVO's have been stuck on it for that semi-functional tacticool look. 


Included with the purchase of the gun is:


1x KWA Ronin T10 AEG

1x KWA Muzzle break/flash hider (Not included in the photo but you can google the gun to see a photo of it)

1x 155mm Alloy suppressor (foam filled with a spring cap to prevent your bbs from striking the suppressor while flying out the gun)

2x KWA M-LOK handguard attachment pieces

1x Unbranded Magpul RVG grip replica

1x M-LOK QD sling attachment point

1x KWA Ronin Cardboard box :)


I'm not including a magazine with this gun, it will genuinely accept any type of M4 magazine and is not picky as to what it'll accept, tried and tested so far are Battleaxe, PTS, Cyma, Nuprol and Specna Arms M4 mags which have all fit and fed fine. And I also lost the original KWA mag during a wee trip into a tree...twice.



  • Make
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    Ronin T10
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