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BoneYard WE M4 CQBR

BoneYard WE M4 CQBR


  • Price £150
0 Questions


Here is for sale my WE M4, never skirmished but used in the back garden target shooting. Had this for around 4 years from zero one. Ex two tone hence the awful black spray paint. Scratches everywhere. Here are the issues; Nozzle broken, doesn't shoot bbs but dry fires. Bolt doesn't lock on empty so it will continue to fire on full auto until gas is empty. Leaky mag.  Had plans for her but she is just gathering dust as a wall hanger.

Could spilt but rather sell it all together. 

Buyer PayPal fee. £150 posted. Make me an offer as I would like to get rid of her.

Feel free to send me a message. 


  • Make
  • Model
    M4 CQBR
  • FPS
    Unknown but has NPAS
  • Accessories
    Holo Sight (Broken), FTS Magnifier (working), Clone Magpul Sights, Clone MOE handguard, Tango Down Vertical Grip.


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