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G&P M16


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G&P M16


Selling this rifle on behalf of my dad as he’s getting out of airsoft. This rifle has been his ol’reliable over the years but since he’s stopped playing, it has been sat in his cupboard for past few years. This was his back rifle that would sit in its bag until the odd time his main rifle would go down.


Nothing special about this rifle but it shoots good and has never needed anything more that a battery and a mag to perform on the day.


If you’re interested in this rifle, please understand that it does requires a little TLC before use as it’s not been cleaned or serviced in quite sometime and it not cycling on semi auto. This is possibly my batteries not being correct spec as my dad binned his old battery he used for this frustratingly. Alternatively it could be in need of a new motor.


Priced accordingly to the condition and price is inclusive of postage and PayPal fees.


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