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Bolt M4 with recoil

Bolt M4 with recoil


  • Price £275
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For sale, my custom M4 recoil. This started as a Bolt BR4 however I changed out the front handguard for a 12" key mod handguard putting in a longer 6.03mm tight bore barrel. 


Internally its pretty much stock, apart from the barrel, and a madbull shark hop rubber and bucking. I also converted to a Deans connector and my soldering iron slipped so the plastic looks a little singed but functions fine. 


Shoots well, the recoil is probably the strongest I've ever had on a airsoft gun.


This gun comes from me having a DMR thsn kept forgetting to transition to my side arm when in a building. So I wanted something with long range within my sites FPS limits so I can use it up close and personal. 


BOLT Airsoft recommends using a 11.1v lipo however I've found over the years that these have a nasty habit of shredding gearboxes. So I will be including an essentially new 7.4v with this gun. 


Videos of it firing are available on request. 


Price includes P&P


  • Make
    BOLT Airsoft
  • Model
    M4 custom
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Bipod, Scope, down-grip and 7.4v Battery,

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