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SAA revolver Carbine "buntline"

SAA revolver Carbine "buntline"


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Didn't know really whether to list as a rifle or a pistol so had to pick one.

Can be used without the stock. The modifications are as follows:

Outer barrel constructed from aluminium, machined to fit as the standard outer barrel does.

Tanaka ejector fitted.

Fixed hop fitted, works best with 0.32s. Shoots nicely with those. I can't remember whether I fitted this with a custom brass barrel or a modified original off the top of my head.

Hammer modified to sit more flush to the frame.

Using Dan wesson power down shells.

The stock is a Retting manufactured one, nickel plated bronze. To the right buyer probably worth the asking price alone.

It's a solid build, and a lefft field alternative to a Winchester.

Interested in trades for anything really but I'm not overly keen on generic M4s. I like gas stuff and I like obscure stuff. 


Price is very open to offers and certainly trades. 


Happy to send more photos but it's being glitchy when trying to add more. 


2nd SAA to the bottom not included. 


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- United Kingdom

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