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Tm recoil hk416d

Tm recoil hk416d


  • Price £350
0 Questions


 Tm hk416d with hao geiselle rail fitted I wanted a black delta  custom before tm made one so I bought this rail I had to modify the gas block to fit it 


Has a btc spectre v2 fitted I've never managed to get the bluetooth  to work i bought it second hand before they came back in stock so it was a beggars cant be choosers thing the gearbox is stock apart from metal bushings  


Cosmetically a few scrapes but nothing major  the only negative is due to the extra wire for the spectre the small plate wont fit easily solved with electrical tape and the small screw worked loose and fell out the stock is rock solid and have price the rifle accordingly 

£350 with battery and 1 mid cap or 

£400 with battery  and 4 mid caps 


Price excludes postage or fees 


  • Make
    Tokyo marui
  • Model
  • FPS
    280-300 stock tm
  • Accessories
    Battery 1-4 midcaps


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