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ASG Scorpion Evo AEG

ASG Scorpion Evo AEG


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Hi all, 


For reluctant sale is my used ASG Scorpion Evo 2018 version. Just bought a new Aug hence reason for sale. 


Had this for a couple of years now. Purchase from Patrol Base (£299.99).


Wired to deans. 


Its in good condition, few minor scratches as you would expect. 

Fires lovely and hops as normal. Honestly cannot believe how accurate this thing is even at around 25-30m. Rate of fire is awsome! 


The only issue it has is that a very small microswitch has broken off on the gearbox. It’s basically the mag stop so when the Mag is empty it no longer stops the RIF from firing. I think this would cost around £30-40 to replace. But the RIF still operates. 

What’s included. 

-11.1 Lipo with deans connector. 

- 4 midcap mags

- Hera Arms Vertical Grip

- Original flash hider

- Evo 18mm to 14mm thread adaptor (for suppressor). 
- Evo front support set. 
- Evo CNC short stroke trigger (fitted). 
- Evo front and rear sights. 
- Hardcase with eggshell foam.

- Original box with 

- Original boxes for accessories.


Please not that the EOTECH sight, Suppressor and torch are NOT included. Was going to sell them but they will be going on to my new AUG.  

Any questions please ask. Happy to provide additional photos and videos etc.  Cheers for looking. 

£285 posted ONO. 



  • Make
  • Model
    Scorpion Evo 2018
  • FPS
    300 approx
  • Accessories
    See listing

- United Kingdom

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