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Custom Well : MB03A Sniper Rifle.

Custom Well : MB03A Sniper Rifle.


  • Price £80
2 Offers
1 Question


This item was originally a two-tone variant of blue and black, however, I have covered the rifle itself in strong adhesive gorilla camouflage tape for a more adaptive approach in woodland terrain. The rifle comes with a high range magnified scope that has luminous crosshairs in 2 different colours. (red and green) this feature can also be removed for normal crosshairs. It also comes with a sturdy/durable metal bipod stand, unfortunately the legs do not extend, however, they can be collapsed inwards for when not in use. Overall rifle itself feels incredibly premium with a very strong plastic body and metal barrel and inner construction, and the bolt action itself is rather smooth. 


Also included is 3 magazines.

Target book.

Plenty of bbs.


Cleaning rod. 


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Scope,bipod,bbs,target book

- United Kingdom

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£51.55, including 3 magazines.

+£25 for a scope

+£13 delivery

= £90 brand new, and no need to remove and throw away the pointless broken bipod.




Sir Twisted




The ad has been updated. 


The bipod isnt broken, the product is manufactured without extendable legs. ( which should have been considered before presuming it was broken ).

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