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CYMA SR47 platinum

CYMA SR47 platinum


1 Offer
1 Question


Cyma sr47 for sale. this gun is literally 1 week old from new. I bought this on a wim. but it's not my cuppa tea


The gun is full metal apart from your usual m4 polymer parts (stock and pistol grip)


The gun fires perfectly with a very nice rof, I've not had it chronoed yet so I have no idea on its fps/joules 


It's not all sunshine and rainbows though, as when I bought this it arrived with a hair line crack just below the ejection port and a crumpled/bent mock bolt cover which I had to take out before it fell out. This does not effect the gun in anyway at all, the body is extremely solid and well built. I've included a new metal upper receiver but will need some modification to fit and also included a shark styled mlok rail system which was intended for this gun, both the body and rail system are brand new also. infact the body only arrived today 


The gun cost me £220, £50 for the body and another £60 for the rail system. All in all its cost me £330 




Im wanting £120 +postage 

Thanks for looking




  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    1 midcap mag, spare body, spare rail system

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