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Selling my A&K PKM as I also have an PKP! SO...it's Zentico'd at the moment as you can see, with a B50 rail, B25U and RK2 grip and a DTK-2 replica muzzle break. There's a replica red dot on with a nifty lens protector. Polymer furniture set. But as you can see, I also have a full wood set and the original muzzle break.

Also available are the SMERSH mag pouch, and the more modern digi-flora Molle compatible mag holder (with a lot of Velcro on the part that stays attached to your belt/carrier). Wired to Deans, and the rather weak magazine power line has been changed to a more robust one. Chrono at 330fps on a 0.2g. It's heavy so postage won't be cheap, collection from North Lincolnshire (near the airport).


All together will be £525, Back to bare bones with polymer furniture and no Zentico stuff £400, and depending on what you want is a price in-between.


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