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Various Pistol Holsters - 1911, FN-57, Sig P226, Glock, Hi Power and Mor e..

Various Pistol Holsters - 1911, FN-57, Sig P226, Glock, Hi Power and Mor e..


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More holsters here : https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/item/26460-pistol-holsters-1911-glocktt33-pistol-bungee-cord/



Various pistol holsters, will combine post and a little discount for multiple purchases.


Make: Black Hawk Glock 19 holster and PWL Glock magpouch.
Condition: Used.
Size: Fits TM and KJW/WE etc.
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No
Price/Payment: £30 + £4 for post and paypal.

Make: Falco 1911 holster.
Condition: Used.
Size: Fit's all TM and clone non rail 1911's.
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No to all.
Price/Payment: £20 + £4 for post and paypal.


Make: Kramer Browning Hi power holster.
Condition: Used.
Size: WE/Tanaka.
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No.
Price/Payment: £20 + £4 for post and paypal.


Make: Italian made P226 holster, tan.
Condition: Brand new.

Size: TM P226 and clones.
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No.
Price/Payment: £25 + £5 for post and paypal.


Make: FNH holster for FN-57 made by Galico, I bought it direct for FNH EU, pictured with my Marushin but also fits TM perfect , surplus to requirement as I will be listing the gun as well.
Condition: Brand new.
Size: TM/ Marushin and clones.
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No
Price/Payment: £20+ £5 for postage.


Make: Cheap leather holster.
Condition: New.
Size: Open bottom so more or less fits everthing, Capa's, Glocks, Sig's, Beretta's etc etc
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No.
Price/Payment: £10 all in.


Make: Russian made TT33 holster.
Condition: Used.
Size: Fits both WE and KWA.
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No.
Price/Payment: £25+ £4 for postage.



Edit : TT33, Hi Power, Glock holster and mag pouch combo, 1911 and Galico FN 57 holster - Sold.






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