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  • Price £185 Shipment cost 15 GBP
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King of the bullpups, the AUG is a required taste but seriously cool. And how do you make the coolest bullpup even cooler? Rails. Lots of rails. With 9 in total.

Internally it's all bone stock other than a M105 spring and the hop lifts .25s relatively well but could probably do with the upgraded one fitting to lift anything heavier. Has a very nice feature in the stock too. Take the rubber buttpad off, two retaining screws hold a plate in place. Take that off and you have access to the quick change spring system in the gearbox. You can change the fps within literal minutes. 

In general it runs like a Austrian watch and fields really well as I found out on Sunday just gone. Little bit nose heavy for me personally but everything else about it, I enjoyed.

Either a supressor style barrel cover or a flash hider and extention can be provided (see pics), 3x 330rnd hicaps, genuine Magpul MS4 Q/D sling, rail covers and BCM foregrip included.

Happy to post (PF48 is around £15 I think) or meet in person within a 50mile radius of LS22 or WF11 postcodes.

Any questions ask away. 07944412584 for whatsapp etc. Jim.


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    Sling, mags, ladders

, Central/South Yorkshire

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