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KTW Winchester M1873

KTW Winchester M1873


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Although I don't really want to get rid of this, as it is so beautiful, this is the collectors version with real walnut stock and hand guard and hexagon blue steeled barrel.


I haven't used it for over a year, in fact I only used it once to plink some targets when I first got it, good fun, but not really skirmishable, due to the range, but it is very accurate! This is a wall hanger and a collectors item, please don't get this thinking it will be a great skirmish gun. However I am looking to sell it to fund a GHK AK. So in regards to swaps it will only be for an GHK AKM.


  • Make
  • Model
    Winchester M1873
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    two tube mags.

- United Kingdom

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