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ARCTURUS AK 74 six mag and two 9.6v batCTURUS AK 74 six mag and two 9.6v Batteries

ARCTURUS AK 74 six mag and two 9.6v batCTURUS AK 74 six mag and two 9.6v Batteries


1 Question


Make: Arcturus
Gun/Model: AK-74 
Condition: Used
FPS: 340 with 0.2g BB's
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No to all
Price/Payment: £230 include postage

bought from David's customized website on July 6 last year, has experienced five games, but because of my careful care, there is no problem, even the paint is almost perfect. Fps-330-340. The interior has not been modified because it is perfect.

Now there are six magazines, four mid cups, two high cups. And there are two 9.6V nickel batteries, which guarantee that you will not be short of power for a day. In addition, it also comes with a special charger and an AK loader adapter, which can be used to connect the M4 loader.


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    4x mid Mag, 2x high Mag, 2 x 9.6v 1600am, 1x Dust cover, 1 x AK loading adaptor

- United Kingdom

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