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Madbull Troy TRX 11" FDE Rail - DAMAGED

Madbull Troy TRX 11" FDE Rail - DAMAGED


  • Price £30
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Damaged as original bolts were rounded off & I had to drill them out to remove the rail from my gun

I don't know if it will still attach properly because of this? but if anybody has the will to get it to fit it could be an investment

They are £80-£100 new 


Some other general wear & tear (aesthetic only) from use


Two rails attached as shown + 1 more side rail identical to the one shown that is missing 1 bolt of 2 


Will ship in a different box to original but it is very simiarly sized as it is the box from another rail system


Starting at £30 all in inc. P&P + PayPal fees


Any questions, offers, etc please do not hesitate to drop me a PM 

Thank you for looking

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