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Tanaka Works M700 Police

Tanaka Works M700 Police


  • Price £180
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Tanaka Works M700 Police Gas Rifle


2 mags

1 loader

Small bag of .36g BBS

Small bag of .25g BBs X 2


Short Suppressor


I bought this shortly before I stopped playing and I never really took to the role of sniper (I couldn’t stay in one place for more than 30 seconds) so consequently, it was skirmished only once. I did have a scope fitted, but I can’t find it for love or money though it was a cheap air rifle one. The moderator/suppressor wont’ be to everyone’s taste and I can’t really remember why I fitted it to be honest. Anyway, this is a superb rifle and I would think not easy to get hold of these days. The hop up dial is very stiff and I can’t remember if it was like this when I used it or if it’s become like this in storage. I remember it being very powerful and very accurate but obviously the power will depend on the gas you use. I only used green gas as I seem to recall that the red gas would have either damaged the gun or the person you shot….. The tripod is garbage and if I were to keep this gun, it would go and I’d put a much better one, or nothing at all. I’ve left it on, but only so you can throw it away at your leisure.




I am selling off my (and my friends) airsoft collection as we haven’t attended an event for around 10 years. I live in Waltham Abbey Essex and would much prefer to deliver or have collection of the guns but will send them via Parcel Force Express 48 if you want them posted.

I’m happy to drive the stuff to you if you cover my petrol and don’t live more than an hour from EN9 1QQ though you may have to wait a week or so until I have a free day to run it over to you. If you want to collect it from my house, that’s fine, but I can’t meet you in a car park as that would look somewhat suspicious!

I’ve briefly tested all the guns, but I dare say that after 10 years of sitting in storage they could do with a good service. I tested around 30 rounds through each and took a chrono reading of an average of 5 shots using .25g BBs on a pretty hot day. I charged up each of the gas mags/guns with a quick burst of green gas as I was running out of gas and wanted to test all of them before it completely ran out. They will all need the hop-ups re-dialing in as my garden isn’t long enough to be able to set them before I sell them.


It seems to be a real issue with posting second hand batteries so I’m not going to include those if they are posted as it’s an offence to send them and I’m not prepared to go down that road. However, if we can arrange for me to deliver them (less than an hour from  EN9 1QQ and at 40mpg) then I’ll throw one in for free. I’m pretty sure all the batteries were fully discharged, but I’ve not had the time to charge and discharge them all to see if they are holding their charge.

All prices are quoted without delivery and if you do want it sent, I will always combine the packages and charge just what it cost to send. Paypal is fine, but I’d prefer cash on delivery if I bring it to you or you collect it from me, that way you can have a good look at it as well. I’m happy to give a discount if buying more than one, just ask me.


  • Make
    Tanaka Works
  • Model
    M700 Police
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Bipod, extra mag, suppressor

Waltham Abbey, Essex - United Kingdom

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