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Marushin M1 Carbine NBB 8mm

Marushin M1 Carbine NBB 8mm


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A piece of classic airsoft history up for grabs. Before Marushin made the more common GBB M1 carbine (still hard to find nowadays) they originally made some NBB variants such as this one. This is a Marushin M1 carbine 8mm NBB, in great condition with 1 leak free mag and comes with the small bolt attachment if you want to increase the reload speed, but I preferred the look with it off so didn't use it.

The NBB model is more accurate, more gas efficient and has a higher fps too compared to the GBB model. I'm only selling this to fund my SVT 40 project, normally I'd be keeping it.
£290 posted.


  • Make
  • Model
    M1 carbine
  • FPS

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