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Sai Gry Jailbreak

Sai Gry Jailbreak


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Licensed salient arms GRY rif with the jailbreak comp.

Imported this from evike a few years ago which I would definitely not recommend anyone do.

its a G&P “version 2.5” gearbox, quick change spring through the stock currently with an m100 in so it’s shooting 290 on 2’s at the moment but that’s easily changed for your own needs. 
Only turns over on 11v batteries but make sure the discharge is low ish or it tends to burst on semi.

Could do with a better hop as the current one gets deformed very quickly on long bursts cause the rate of fire is quite high.

Got the original “stubby” stock with it if you want it.


if you want more details hop on evike and have a gander at the description for it.

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  • Make
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    Sai GRY
  • FPS

- United Kingdom

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