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5000+ Mixture of .2s BBs

5000+ Mixture of .2s BBs


  • Price £5
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1 Question


I have over 5000 unused BBs in this tub all different brands but all worked on my guns when used in past. 
Brands include: 

Frontier & Blaster Devil.


Im selling as have to many of them and funding some more .25s for outdoors etc. 

Collection only due to weight from Stafford. 
(Due to COVID a socially distanced viewing may be best so payment via PayPal or Bank upon collection is welcome or cash)
Asking for a fiver.

(I would count them all for you to a precise amount but would be 2021 by the time I’m done) 😂😜 I know for certain over 5000 though as came out of bottles of 3000*

Stafford, Staffordshire - United Kingdom

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