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My media piece

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If you have subscribed to my channel you will realise I havent posted a video in a while


Its because I am making a media video as a part of my Media Studies GCSE


I really cant be arsed to explain the whole thing so the concept is..


We are using ALOT of reverse video (if you cant imagine it

and making it seem the main character is some sort of superhero type thing that has escaped from somewhere (we haven't decided where he is escaping from yet) and is on the run but the "agents" can't keep up so as the main character thinks he is in the clear I snipe him down :D


I was just wondering if anyone is interested in seeing it when has been marked because I can not broadcast it untill it has been marked


If you guys can't wait (for some reason) I can post up a trailer type video


A bit off topic I guess but oh well :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds cool man i did somthing similer a few years back using FX lightsabers and hanging with a Larp crew...


Also you should be able to creat some good chase sceens at the dolmens up st ouens.


Cant wait to see it GL

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