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Just a few pics from playing in the Tropics

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Just some pics I took. We recently did a 3 day Milsim at a Marine barracks in the Philippines MY team was assigned LRRP (long range recon patrol) this posed a 100 hectare Jungle site with rolling hills etc and beach insertions which was proper good. My team is in talks now with organizing a yearly event here in the Philippines where Anyone from around the world can join. There will be many teams were calling it Vision 1 airsoft olympics where there will be jungle sites and CQB, pistol and sniper events, SNIPER & SPOTTER COMPETITION,TOP SHOT A AND B EVENTS, ETC were also in talks with the customs about allowing equipment from the UK and the US especially, but if this fails there will be Guns and Pistols etc to use,TV and cable channels will be following the event with a huge amount of sponsors also following the event.








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Nice Pic's Dude although think i'd prefer a MilSim i would probably still attend



I agree on the milsim thing there also going to do that from what i was told today, but in the mean time if ever you guys come out here and want to play look us up and we will provide you with some gear FPS usually around 450,500 I know that sounds high because the UK has a lower FPS but it actually does not hurt that much lol its the adrenalin that makes it not hurt lol.

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