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help, i'm getting really inconsistent and poor distance shots from my AGM L96 when its supposed to be 450fps and really accurate, it used to be good, but Idunno whats happened with it, I think I might have screwed the hop up or something, help please!!!

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It could be the air seals in the cylinder/piston. Check they're not split or dry, apply some silicone lube to them or replace them. It may solve the problem.

Other possible air leaks are where the barrel connects to the hop unit and the hop unit itself. Put some electrical tape around the barrel-hop unit joint to keep it air tight.

Also, the hop rubber could be damaged, take it out and check for damage (splitting or brittle), if it's okay, clean it with warm soapy water and put back in the gun.

Can't think of it being anything else.

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