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bristol airsoft

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Hi all,was wondering if any bristol airsoft members know of any close outdoor sites,now thornbury has closed,and thats (what i,ve heard by the way?),would really like to know as i just kitted my son out with 2 new rifles..lol..cheers all Dave

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Hi all,was wondering if any bristol airsoft members know of any close outdoor sites,now thornbury has closed,and thats (what i,ve heard by the way?),would really like to know as i just kitted my son out with 2 new rifles..lol..cheers all Dave


Although Thornbury has closed, they've moved the main site to Lulsgate, so if you're Bristol based it's still not that far. Have a look on their website for directions (Ultimate Airsoft). Alternatives are Dragon Valley (at RAF Caerleon - not to far over the Bridge) or I believe there is one opened near Wickwar (can't remember the name but there is a thread on here about it). Also Airsoft Skirmish, up near Worcester or try First & Only Midlands (The Asylum or The Tunnels) both near Kidderminster, still not too far away.

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Although Thornbury has closed, they've moved the main site to Lulsgate, so if you're Bristol based it's still not that far. Have a look on their website for directions (Ultimate Airsoft). Alternatives are Dragon Valley (at RAF Caerleon - not to far over the Bridge) or I believe there is one opened near Wickwar (can't remember the name but there is a thread on here about it). Also Airsoft Skirmish, up near Worcester or try First & Only Midlands (The Asylum or The Tunnels) both near Kidderminster, still not too far away.


UPDATE on this. Now heard that Ultimate Airsoft have closed both Thornbury and Lulsgate sites, so only the Law Courts now doing airsoft in Bristol.

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