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Bristol Airsoft -The Crown Court

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As the title says, has anyone played at the Crown court in Bristol run by Bristol Airsoft?


Someone told me its not very good but the YouTube videos look alright


Your thoughts are appreciated



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Live near enough to bristol, but never been.


Havn't really heard too much about it to make it worth going to.

Usually play at GZ instead, or sites up in West Midlands at Uni.

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hi there played there a few times. all indoor played over three levels.upstairs several rooms to play around as well as stair cases.Middle level two old court rooms with dock and evrything in tact, as well as several corridors and dark/colour lit rooms.Lastly is the basement which is a warren of old police cells and coridors.Most of tthem with still workng doors and bars etc. Can be a bit dark so will need taclight. i have enjoyed the sessions there. Either go on Thursday evening or daytime sunday as wednesday eve is a bit quiet.hope that helps.think they have reduced walk on price with own kit to £10 for january.

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