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Any Tips for a newbie

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Hey people i am looking to get into airsoft but at the moment i dont have to money to do anything but i was wondering if anyone has any advice for me and what i should do when i get the funds?


I currently have a HFC Glock 17 which i bought of my mate not long ago but obviously when i can, i will look into purchasing a new gun.



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  • 1 year later...
  milla020 said:
yeh thats what i was thinking of doing because my pistol with 1 magazine wouldnt be enough haha


Do you know the nearest airsoft site to me, i live in Medway, Kent






Im a noob to airsoft, been playing since April and what can I say, its fantastic!!!


I have been playing at a site in Sittingbourne, kent called Apocalypse Airsoft.

Its based in 45 achres of thick woodland, which has purpose built villiage, stockade and guard tower and based on the vietnam war.

I have found that the guys running it have been very friendly and really encouraging, and to be honest, they have got me hooked.

The price isnt too bad either and enjoyed a whole day of shooting.


They have a "cafe" onsite and pyro and BB's for sale aswell.


Rescently we had Tier 1 walk on and challenge us which was a painfull but fantastic day, with them returning in July for a 36hour "Mil Sim"


Anyone wanting to know more about the site can message me here or the website is http://www.apocalypseairsoft.com


A great way to get ya guns off guys


Shoot Ya soon

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