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Fallout Gun

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Hi all,


I'm going away with work soon and should have enough saved up when I get back to treat myself.


With that in mind does anyone know of a custom airsoft workshop in the UK? Assuming such a thing still exists.


There used to be a very good one when I was last regularly playing but I remember that they closed (forget their name now, they did a limited edition run of the Equilibrium beretta, anyone remember their name?)


I'm looking for a pistol that looks like the .223 pistol from fallout one so if anyone knows of a pistol that looks similar to that then that would be good to know about as well.


Cheers all,





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"That Gun" is sweet :P

Its Deckard's gun from Blade Runner and you can get a airsoft version but I dont no where


Maria is still top of my list :)

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