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How does a stock retract with a crane stock?

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just got my G&P crane stock in the mail and this thing is alot slimmer than i thought it would be (not a bad thing) but putting in the battery it just simply looks like it won't fit a stock tube in (M4 is being repaired so nothing to reference it) just wondering if i'm being will it fit? Cheers

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i have a scar witch also has a crane stock nut it still retracts. It should take normal batteries but some may require crane stock batteries so you may have to buy a new battery, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :(

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I have a cranestock on my m4, and as long as the buffer tube has the wiring coming out of it you should connect the battery first then but the battery in in the cranestock BACKWARDS. The two cells should go into the holes and then run the rest of the wiring down the middle.


I know it sound strange but this way there is room for the wires to fit and the stock can retract all the way. Hope I can help.

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Its a G&P cranestock and the battery has 3 blocks of cells (battery compartment has 3) so 2 of the compartments are fully filled and 1 1/4 filled im just flabbergasted to be honest. Anyone here with a G&P Crane stock using g&p batteries? Cheers

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