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New Site opening In Wisbech 6 November

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Relatively close to me, I'll to get down there once up and running, won't be until mid December though.

What FPS limits are you going to have? and what's the post code?

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Relatively close to me, I'll to get down there once up and running, won't be until mid December though.

What FPS limits are you going to have? and what's the post code?


500 fps for sniper

350 fps for AEG


nearest postcode is PE13 4EP

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Nice, and thanks, only 25 mins away from me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are having the first test game on the 6th of novemeber to see how the site plays it will be £10 to get things started so a bargain for all day play.

The game mode will be conquest with 4 capture points to be held for as long as possible till the end of each 3 hour stretch. this is the game scenario we WANT to run so this is us testing it to see IF and how it plays, please all contribute at diner time and let us know how the first half went.


We will turn it around in the afternoon, the reason for this is we made it deliberatly one sided, there are many games like bf3 where the enemy start controling all of the capture points, they dont in ours but its quick and easy for them too on one side while the other team have some distance to cover. We feel more than anything for a game scenario to work that the players need to feel like theres a challenge, If you lose when you had the advantage! then fair play to the other team you should tip your hat to there game play.


If the enemy with the disadvantage manages to get a foot hold in either forest or the river crossing then it actually becomes qoute hard for the team which had the advantage. So theres a lot of incentive for the disadvantaged team to push and get a foot hold and the advantaged team has everything to loose.

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