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Ok, i have already said in a different topic that i am intersted in buying a JG G36C..... BUT on every website i have looked at they are sold out!!


I have seen some sites where they are in stock but to buy from those sites i have to be UKARA registered or something? and i am not old enough


so what i am asking is does anybody know a website that has them in stock, and isn't too expensive, thanks :D

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you need to be 18 to buy a 2 tone gun anyway, however your parents can gift you a 2 tone gun. tbh i would contact the retailer and ask them if they will be having in stock soon.

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Ok, i have found another g36c i would buy, the SRC G36C (no matter what i really want a g36c ;D)


But on the website they don't give much details about it.

Can anybody with personal experience of this gun let me know? thanks.

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