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Double Eagle M904G HPA Conversion Capable?


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First time poster here and new to the airsoft forums generally so apologies in advance if I do anything wrong. I've tried my best to read over the rules.


I'm looking to make the move to HPA for my CQB site visits and I've been looking at some different smaller form factor AEG's that I could convert to HPA / have someone convert for me. The Double Eagle M904G caught my eye as a base that I really like the look of, but I've heard a lot of people talking about rigidity and stability etc being an important factor of whether something is good to convert to HPA. So I was just wondering whether anyone had done an HPA conversion on one of these and whether they had any issues that they ran into. 


If this isn't a good idea, please let me know as I've been airsofting for a couple of years now but HPA is a completely new field for me.


Many Thanks! :D


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Welcome! I haven't converted one but it uses a V2 gearbox without a load of proprietary nonsense such as a DE-specific V2 casing, as far as I'm aware. Putting in a V2 engine shouldn't be a big challenge (famous last words).


Maybe it's worth having a look at Pheas Airsoft's videos on the Honey Badger? I'm sure he did a diassembly video a while back.

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7 minutes ago, Galvatron said:

 it uses a V2 gearbox without a load of proprietary nonsense such as a DE-specific V2 casing, as far as I'm aware


Yep, it's 100% just a TM spec v2.

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