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ICS tappet plate issue?


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G'day chaps and chapettes, 


I've hit another problem with my AK74M. 


I've fitted the new piston set and compression is much better but now the BBs won't feed. At all! Set was piston, head, cylinder and nozzle from @ak2m4


After the bazillionth time of stripping and checking everything is sat properly in the gearbox, including that the gears were shimmed properly, I saw that the new nozzle is 19.7mm where as the old one is 18.8mm. So I put the old one back in but they still won't feed. Tried a full midcap mag and a fully wound high cap.


So, after lots of head scratching and Googling there seems be an issue with ICS tappet plates.  It's not snapped, which seems to be the main issue but do they become worn or can the start to bend over time?

I'll strip it again when I get in from work tonight but thought I'd ask the hive mind for their opinion.

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