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S&T M320 trigger/safety fault


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good morning hive mind.

looking for a little bit of help with my S&T M320 launcher.  i have noticed over the past few months that one side of the ambidextrous safety lever (left side) has been getting loose and struggling to release the safety and at the AI500 last weekend this has now become completely detached and is moving freely independant on the safety lever on the right side, which does still seem to operate the safety....  for now

. i have also noticed that the plunger does not seem to be moving very far when the trigger is pulled and it is now struggling to fire moscarts or my TAG shells reliably.

has anyone here either taken one of these launchers apart, or can point me to a tutorial video or page to see how much of a ballache it will be to get into the trigger mechanism to see whats broken and what i can do to repair it? 

thanks in advance

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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