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Aap01 help needed. Firing itself after auto burst.


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Hi all. Amateur aap01 owner here, so auto mode was always fine before i installed a new trigger on it. I used abit of auto then i stopped firing then out of no where it fired itself. Is it trigger issue? 


Help Greatly appreciated 

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still having this problem? 
did you try playing with trigger adjustments? Most probably it’s one of the gears inside, those can wear off just from looking at them too long. One of AAP features. I’d suggest fitting new cow cow set and add auto sear as well for good measure. 

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Bit late on the reply. All i ended up doing was buying a new aap unit instead. Suspicions was it was purchased second hand and should imagine it was worn. Running a complete stock one now.

Only changed hop unit and barrel, bit of luck a new unit lasts long enough.


Will only be using semi mode ran on HPA

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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