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There's a Fun and Action Packed day of Airsoft on the horizon, Sun 29/09/2024

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There's a Fun and Action Packed day of Airsoft on the horizon, Sun 29/09/2024 at Ace Airsoft Wolverhampton Woodland, check out the games list below and Book Now at https://aceairsoft.co.uk/tinyurl/29-9-24 ..... see you there :)

"Elite Force Reinforce"
Commandeer the Island - Reinforce your small offensive squad by recruiting defenders that you eliminate.

"Capture the Flag - High Octane" (2 x 30 min games with a swap ends)
Protect your own flag, capture the enemy flag and raid the fuel dump of fuel.

The offensive team has to plant tags on specific targets that are spread out within the defenders territory.

"Fallout Fallback"
Go on the offensive and push the defenders back to retrieve parts in order to make a WOMD and then use it against them, fail and it will be your own destruction that looms large.

29th Sept 24.jpg

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GAME CANCELLED - Sunday 29th September!!
Hi all, sorry but we have no choice but to cancel this Sunday 29th Sept Game Day. Unfortunately despite our best efforts there aren't enough players booked on for it to enable us to put on an enjoyable and practical game day and we can't really rely on last minute bookings & walk ons to save the day. We deeply appreciate every single one of you who support us and attend our events regularly and we are committed to creating the best possible airsoft experience for you each and every time. We therefore hope to see you back on the battlefield for our 6th October game & 20th October "Halloween Special" game which will have more epic action in store 🤘


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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