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Eye protection fog issues


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I had my first airsoft game recently, and it would have been nice if I could have seen anything besides the fog in my glasses. 
I was using Bolle Tracker Clear which I find very safe, the way they cover the eyes completely leaving no open area where the bb could slip through. But the very same thing makes them fog as hell. I managed to borrow some goggles from organisers, which performed better but they did fog as well. Another issue with them is that I could not see my vest or mags on it. The view was completely blocked.

My main priority now is getting some proper eye protection. I did hear about anti fog solutions which I may try later but not with the current glasses, if they fog this badly I believe the anti fog will wear off quite quickly.


I did see some videos about novritsch anti fog system mounted at the back of your head along with the googles. Did anyone have a chance testing them? My main question is was the fan noise noticeable at high settings and would I face similar issues with chest view obstructed?


Do you have an alternative? Perhaps something with two layers but most definitely something that covers the face really good and also does not interfere too much with a mesh mask?


What are your opinions on the subject? 100 quid is the most I am willing to spend.

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I use a home made fan setup that is based on a 5015 blower, piped into my Bolle Tracker 2 glasses, it works well and never fogs.


Biggest downside is very occasionally getting a hose caught on a branch or twig and the whirring noise can be a pain when you are trying desperately to hear somebody who you know is out there somewhere. I wouldn't say that the noise emitted would be enough for someone to hear you though, just might prevent you hearing them!


If you have access to a 3d printer try having a look for "get the fog out" on thingiverse.



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I use mesh in the woods  - opinions are mixed, but personally I am very confident in them - lots of hits at various ranges, and they have shrugged them off. Theoretical possibility of BBs breaking up and particles going through, but should that happen, I am confident said particles would be more an irritation than a danger. https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/nuprol-shades-mesh-glasses-eye-protection?fv=5297&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw59q2BhBOEiwAKc0ijdfKfZisTXqVrTj8lsUQPyfJNNaLap0L_MCH2kAYYsavH_S8w_9LUBoCBDIQAvD_BwE


Indoors, due to the extreme close ranges, I use full goggles, combined with the novritsch anti fog system suck on the back of my helmet. Googles are the Pyramex V2 - which actually are identical/are the OEM for the Nov goggles. On their own, they are pretty low profile, with good all round visibility, and actually really excellent antifog properties. But, combined with the anti fog unit, and I have never had fogging, even super hot and sweaty, static, in a cold building. You are right to ask about the noise though - you can hear a low hum/whine, even when the unit is wound down to its slowest setting (which frankly, is all that is ever needed). I suspect outdoors it mostly wouldn't be noticeable, but at times in a dark and silent building, it can be annoying.

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Alternative to the Novritsch system is ExFog (you can get it from PatrolBase). My son uses it and you can hardly hear it.


I am thinking of getting one myself and then design and 3d print a bracket for my Wiley-X which holds the tubes in place.


I had bad problems with fogging at first as I was wearing googles over my normal glasses. 
Changing to contact lenses helped a bit.
So did adding some additional ventilation holes from the top on my googles.

The Wiley-X are ok as well as long as I don’t have the glasses touch my forehead. If I use the strap instead of the normal arms the lenses are the most secure but are fogging up like mad.
It is for this setup that I am considering the ExFog.

It is basically a balance act between no fogging and best eye protection. Ideally you would want both.

I personally would not use mesh masks. I’ve got a little shooting range setup in my loft and I have lots of brocken BB fragments lying around. The danger comes when you get shot from close range as that’s when BBs tend to shatter.

Edited by ParHunter
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11 hours ago, Fafor said:

I did look up some reviews and apparently novritsch is better, who knows. I'll have to find out myself. I am going to go with that : )

I use the mesh only for the face so I guess that is alright.

I am surprised. I just remember one video where they shot BBs at the ExFog and the Novritsch one and the Novritsch one broke. They must have improved on that.

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On 05/09/2024 at 08:16, Fafor said:

Yes I saw that one as well, they came up with v2 now it is called AntiFog Unit Gen2 (BB Proof)

I guess Novritsch saw that video as well 🤣

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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