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Hop up bucking advice


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I have a short barreled Evo3(141mm) so to get it to reasonable fps it's gotta m120 spring and a excellent air seal. Should I be using a harder bucking due to the higher power of my system or is a 50 degree bucking fine ?

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Without knowing what you're currently shooting at to set a baseline, nobody can say for certain if 50 degree bucking would be suitable.


Are you saying you're using an M120 spring or that your Evo III has got to have such a spring?

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If the current bucking is hopping whatever weight bb you are using, properly then it's fine.


You'll be seeing similar fps at the hop as everyone else, the weight of the bb will matter more and you should have plenty of adjustability to offset the increased spin on the bb.

Edited by Sewdhull
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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