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Genuine PEQ-2a repair possibilities.


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Hi all,


Tried searching and dint find anything regarding this.


TL/DR: anyone have any experience with repairing battery connections with an idea on what I can do to get this thing working again?


Full Story:


I managed to get a hold of a real PEQ-2A a while back, tested it and it worked no worries. Fast forward a short while after and I've gone to have a muck around with it and a mate's nv, when to much horror I discovered the batteries had been left in by me and burst 😭


I got some white vinegar on the contacts ASAP and gave the contacts a gentle scrub with cotton buds and checked function, still worked so I breathed a sigh of relief and moved on. 


Fast forward again and now the unit appears to have issues again. With batteries inserted the indicator light will flash on for less than a second and no laser gets emitted. 


Looking at the battery caps, I'm wondering if the connectors could be replaced as they are fairly corroded whilst internal ones look alright. Anyone with some insight would be greatly appreciated. Pics attached for reference.






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These sort of springs are plated or they are stainless and once the plating has gone they will corrode really quickly, altho silicone grease will delay this if you lather it on. The caps can be disassembled and new or replated springs installed.

If you cant get the springs out from down the tubes, probably out of the diy guys skill set, then make a good job of the caps, since they are most likely to be corroded.


If you use vinegar, or any acid really, you'll just convert the corrosion and not get conductivity back.


So I'd suggest either, buying new caps, 




or better in my view, pull the spring out and buy a suitable spring. You can measure it once its out.




clean the caps with some abrasive to reveal the aluminium surface and pop a spring in with grease. Brass ( not steel) wire brush the threads.


Stainless will galvanically corrode with aluminium if you dont grease it or keep it dry.

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