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An epic September at Ace Airsoft - Wolverhampton Woodland

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πŸ”₯ Gear up for an epic September here at Ace Airsoft - Wolverhampton Woodland! πŸ”₯
TF11 8PN

πŸ—“οΈ **Sunday 1st & 29th September:** Get ready for two intense team-on-team skirmish battle days! Test your skill and teamwork in some of your favourite game types.

🌟 **Sunday 15th September:** Don’t miss our special themed game day! From Midday until 8 PM, immerse yourself in a thrilling story driven game day with live character actors bringing the battlefield to life!

Ensure you book your place and experience the action and we'll see you there! πŸ‘Š

Sept-2024 Advert.jpg

Edited by Ace Airsoft War Games
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