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TM L96 issues with upgrades


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Hey folks


I'm currently upgrading an L96 by TM.


I've got an action army 96 degree piston, action army matching specialised trigger unit, action army spring guide and finally, you guessed it, action army m130 spring. 


The problem is, it will not lock back on racking the bolt. At all. It's like it's close but I'm not sure what I'm missing.


Any suggestions from you fine people? Tia

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When I upgraded my L96 (not a TM, but same sounding issue), the bolt would not lock back because the piston that I had added to it was a fraction too long, and was not moving back far enough to catch on the trigger sear. This was relatively easily rectified with a few MMs taken off with a file from the rear of the part of the piston that should be caught by the sear. If yours has sorted itself out, then smashing, but if it rears its head again, something to think about maybe.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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