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I’ve got an E&l ak12, I’m toying with the idea of putting a Perun hybrid v3 in it but also looking at the cheaper Perun ab++ aswell, trigger contacts are a bitch and I know the hybrid will get rid of that so that’s a bonus as I’ve used them before on other builds but the ab++ will do the same job (ish) for cheaper and I could buy a micro switch to replace the contacts, I’m after some advice on what to buy for the build or if anyone has any recommendations ? 

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I would go for the Hybrid; it has better functionality, particularly trigger sensitivity, and anything that gets rid of trigger contacts and cutoff levers is to be applauded.

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Whether it does the same job (ish) depends on what features you make use of.


Granted, I used a different gearbox/platform when I bought the "full-fat" Perun MOSFET over the AB++ because I like the adjustable trigger sensitivity and more programmable firing modes.

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Sorry just checked on this thread, I’ve went with the ++ as I got it for £44.99 comes Friday, as it’s a new pew I’ve looked inside seems fine had to shim it slightly but everything spot on, mainly looking for battery protection and precocking for that snappy semi, probably post results in case anyone is interested on Saturday. Thanks for the reply’s 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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