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CYMA SVD + extras


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Good morning people,
Looking to sell my SVD that I bought, not my style, and just slimming my collection because I feel like I only need one aeg and one spring shotgun and this one doesn't really fit my style.

Bought it brand new from patrol base CYMA 0.57A as well as a couple of midcaps from firesupport. (bought mid march around 14th)
Outside of using it for one game on one game day, unused. No damage or scratches.

It doesn't fire that far on .25s, and I think possibly an issue with the airseal (firing around 240 fps on .25s).

PSO is unknown I bought this one second hand for £40, someone before me sawed off the illumination bulb.

How much would i be looking at selling them altogether, given the roughly 70% of retail.




Edited by K-Pop_Fan_4Life
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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