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The AM-014 is available from Dave's Custom Airsoft for £230, so a reasonable second hand price would be around £160-£170.

The AM-016 is available from Extreme Airsoft for £260, so a reasonable second hand price would be around £180-£190.

However, you could put them on sale for a bit more and negotiate down if necessary.

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Adding to what Colin said, around the 70% mark is the standard for a RIF in good condition.


You may not have fired them personally but they were both test fired to give those speed/energy readouts so their cherries have already been popped. As they were both tested at least 3 years ago, it would be worth test firing both of them again just to make sure BBs feed properly and that the gearboxes cycle for both yours and the buyer's peace of mind.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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