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QD suppressor


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Found this knackered QD suppressor in my box of junk.  Was going to try to repair it, but looking at it a bit closer, I'm not quite sure how....


Any tips or recommendations? Or is it a write-off and should I just but a new one?



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The black bit's obviously been ripped out at some point bending the thin 'spring' suppose you could try and pop it back in.


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Yeah I've managed to get the small black piece back in, and the spring bit has been manipulate slightly but it just doesn't seem to tighten properly

Also, I shouldn't the small piece have some bars or pins which slide alongside the flash hider?


Maybe I just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. New parts would probably be just as costly if I could find them. 

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the spring has been stretched & may never work properly again without crimping it, I have one that feels brand new & no damage and it feels loose too.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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