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Mp5 v2 gearbox motor height


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you can figure out the ball park height of the bevel gear by just inserting the motor without the grip, and as long as the motor tower is centralised and perpendicular to the hole and has just about right wiggle room when it is engaged with bevel at the depth you want, then it should be in the right ball park, and then afterwards use sound to do the final adjustments


or use another spare m4 grip to shim it, and then use sound with the final grip

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Or wrap some tape around the motor tower? (Or brass tube it) which you will want to do anyway?


The alignment does not really matter at this stage because the grip will align it afterwards, you just need to worry about the height for the shimming (as in how deep the motor is going into the gearbox when it is more or less centered in the hole)


Once you are centered in the hole, the bottom of the motor will sit at the bottom of the grip, and these two points should automatically align the motor correctly

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yeah when you centralise the motor tower and insert the motor to the right depth ("motor height") you will have the reference for how high the bevel gear should be shimmed at


i suppose this is a simplified half-shell method, you don't install the motor grip but just shim the motor tower until it sits more or less centralised to the gearbox shell motor hole (or half of it)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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