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I was wondering if anyone was interested in smoke suppressor (not Smokey Wolf,It's a new product)

Miêu Anh-Nguyễn

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Very interested in something like this, ESPECIALLY if it's triggered by something other than bbs - I do film and tv and theatre work using airsoft as props, so I don't want any projectile at all, but I love the effect of the smoke and light together. 

Is there a way to order to the US? An online store or anything? Any US distributors? Heck, if it can fit in a suppressor it could probably fit in the barrel of something like a CAM870 too, right?


I'd even be interested in just knowing how you did the sensor, so I could convert some of the spitfire tracers I've been experimenting with...



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You can leave your email address to communicate, which was originally designed to fit into the barrel  and be used as a prop.

On 14/05/2024 at 00:04, Fightdesigner said:

Very interested in something like this, ESPECIALLY if it's triggered by something other than bbs - I do film and tv and theatre work using airsoft as props, so I don't want any projectile at all, but I love the effect of the smoke and light together. 

Is there a way to order to the US? An online store or anything? Any US distributors? Heck, if it can fit in a suppressor it could probably fit in the barrel of something like a CAM870 too, right?


I'd even be interested in just knowing how you did the sensor, so I could convert some of the spitfire tracers I've been experimenting with...



You can leave your email address to communicate, which was originally designed to fit into the barrel  and be used as a prop.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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