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JG sa58


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I've had this for a while now but never got to use it more then a handful of times (less then 5 times) 
Comes with x5 Classic army 120rd midcaps(brand new) and x2 jg hicap mags (can also include original handguard & stock)
Internal upgrades:
Gate Titan V3 Advanced
16:1 gears
Steel tooth piston(EBB is disabled)
Aluminium piston head
Cylinder head
High Torque motor
ZCI 300mm 6.02 tight bore barrel
Maple Leaf Macaron 60 hop rubber & Maple leaf Omega nub
JG3000 FAL Buffer Tube Stock Adaptor CNC'd from solid 6082 Aluminium Alloy
King Arms FAL handguard(brand new)
Cyma M series stock 


No Eotech is not part of the package.


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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