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Small Clearance


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Having a clearance of some kit that hasn’t seen use in a few years now. All seems to function well enough. Hoping to get an idea of RIF costs since it’s been a while since I’ve made any similar purchases. I’d rather avoid junking stuff so had hoped to get them to someone here for a fair price.

Need to do my research on P&P costs but also happy to accept DM offers if anyone wants something.


I’ve got a bunch of oddball mags, scopes and other gear but figure it’s all pretty low value and would probably toss in with the RIFs as freebies. 

Main List:

-TM M4

-TM P90 *missing silencer

-TM Colt .357

-G&G G2010 (F2000 Replica) *missing stock butt-plate









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For Postage and packing, the only  postal carrier that will ship RIFs knowingly for a private seller is Parcelforce via the 48hour service. Been a while since I've shipped one but its around £10 give or take a bit of change for anything upto 10kg. 


Can't help with the exact valuation of the RIFs though. Usual pricing for a working RIF is around 60% of retail price. Maybe more if its a collectors item. There are a few sites/traders that will buy RIFs like Action Hobbies or Stack Up Airsoft. They're like the CEX of airsoft I guess.


All the best. 

Edited by OTH21
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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