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VSR 10 gspec sear not catching piston properly


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Hey everyone, I’ll try to explain everything because I have tried so much and I’m at a loss on what else to do.


I got this Vsr 10 spec a while back of a distant friend. He claimed that it had an upgrade done to it just before I got it. It had pretty much all stock parts so I assume a stronger spring was put in there. Now when I first got it, it shot once or twice then turned horrible and grindy on the bolt pull. He told me he used it once after getting someone to do this upgrade and that it was fine for him.


At that point I did some research and assumed that if he did get a stronger spring put in, then the stock 45 degree trigger set was too weak to hold it and it’s just not holding the piston. So I got an action army zero trigger set (or 90 degree if they’re not the same thing) which came with a trigger set and piston.


the piston didn’t properly fit into the cylinder so I slightly sanded down the white edges and now it fits in pretty snuggly, but can move around with a light but of pressure smoothly. I also took two coils off the end of the spring. It still didn’t work however, I was getting slam firing or out right the bolt would stop pulling back as it reached the sear, and not fully click unless I really pulled on it hard. I gave up for a while.


present day, I have tried again, I noticed one of the screws holding the trigger box wasn’t very long and the threading started giving way, so I got a longer bolt (but short enough not to go through the receiver and scratch the bolt) to stop it slam firing and that worked. But rather than slam firing, it just got stuck with the other issue of pulling back smoothly, but stopping right before the sear is supposed to catch the piston unless I violently tug on it. I’ve tried a varied range of tightening and loosening some screws in different patterns for fixes but each time, nothing would change, or it would work fine for a few shots, then go right back to the previous problem. Sometimes it would even work fine, until I screwed on the stock then all of a sudden it didn’t. I swear I have tried everything I could find on different websites and nothing seems to work permanently.


Any suggestions? I’m pretty new to airsoft and bolt action rifles so I could be missing something, not sure…

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Go to Airsoft Sniper Forum and as the same questions—they’ll know exactly what’s wrong. Chances are it’s some spec issue depending on whose version of VSR10 you hit, as not all models and parts are TM compatible.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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