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Some semi-beginner questions about GBBRs


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I own many GBBRs but I would consider my knowledge questionable....


So first things first, I bought some used VFC G3 magazines, but a question popped up in my head. It happens that the mags are modified by the previous owner for faster cycling and easier cocking by trimming about a millimeter away from the rubber seal that connects to the hop chamber. At the cost of like 5 fps and 2 bbs less per gas charge, it cycles better, smoother and even inserts easier. but me being me, always paranoid about breaking something, I soon questioned how good this really was. The thing is with less resistance due to the lower rubber, the bolt slams forward with what is probably significantly more force as the characteristic "BANG-click" a GBBR produces is no longer heard due to the increase in cyclic rate, and it all sounds like a single, loud snap. Will this break my gun? and if not, how much is wear increased? I run Nimrod blue gas which has about 116 PSI. All in all, I don't want to break a 1200€ rifle.


Second, Am I using correct lubricant? I use a small amount of silicone grease on the trigger box as it is safe for plastic as any grease on the hammer will deposit residue very close to the plastic nozzle. I use spray silicone to lubricate seals and rubbers and a thin layer of PTFE grease on the bolt carrier and charging handle as I've found using too much make the cycle feel "gritty".



Edited by LzChase
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