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Guarder frame on a TM Glock22

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I have two WE Glocks and I have been perfectly happy with them, but I wanted to try one of the TM ones.


I have always thought the best looking Glock frame was the Gen 2 (the one without a rail). Since Guarder makes one of these for Gen 3  TMs  and the Glock 22 has some little improvements over the original Gen 3, I decided to go for that one over the latest Gen 4.


I have a very specific purpose in mind for this new purchase. I intend to keep it all plastic, and use it only with 144a in my garden. Velocity is not important to me. But I do want to get rid of that ABS frame.


I feel confident enough to transfer the TM parts into the Guarder frame, but I understand there can be a problem with the main frame screw on Guarder frames. Apparently it can result in the slide not being completely aligned with the rails. I understand that shimming will fix this, but I don't really understand where the shims should go. 


I would be grateful if rocketdogbert or any other experienced pistol builder could advise me.

Edited by emilianoksa
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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